Endocrine System The Pituitary and Hypothalamus Neurosecretion The Anterior Pituitary Anatomy of the Median Eminence Anterior Pituitary Physiology Prolactin-Regulating Factors Corticotrophin-Releasing Hormone Somatostatin Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone Gonadotrophin-Releasing Hormone Thyrotrophin Releasing Hormone The Posterior Pituitary Posterior Pituitary­Hypothalamic Hormones Vasopressin Oxytocin Acromegaly Aetiology of Acromegaly Histopathology of Acromegaly Associated Pituitary Tumours Aetiology of Acromegaly-Associated Pituitary Tumours Ectopic GHRH and Acromegaly Diagnosis of Acromegaly Growth Hormone Secretion in Acromegaly Clinical Features of Acromegaly Clinical Effects of Growth Hormone Oversecretion Clinical Effects of Pituitary Tumours in Acromegaly Treatment of Acromegaly Surgical Treatment of Acromegaly Radiotherapy in Acromegaly Medical Therapy in Acromegaly Hyperprolactinaemia Normal Physiology of Prolactin Secretion Causes of Hyperprolactinaemia Clinical Features of Hyperprolactinaemia Investigation of Hyperprolactinaemia Treatment of Hyperprolactinaemia Hypopituitarism Causes of Hypopituitarism Pituitary Tumours Parapituitary Tumours Clinical Features of Hypopituitarism Features of Anterior Pituitary Hormone Deficiency Local Effects of Hypothalamic or Pituitary Lesions Anatomical Investigation of Hypopituitarism Endocrine Investgation of Hypopituitarism Treatment of Hypopituitarism Growth Hormone Deficiency In Adults Polyuria and Polydipsia Primary Polydipsia Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus Cranial Diabetes Insipidus Investigation of Polyuria Treatment of Cranial Diabetes Insipidus The Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuresis Imaging in Hypothalamo­Pituitary Disease Hyperlipidaemia Lipoprotein Physiology Pathophysiology of Hyperlipidaemia Acquired (Secondary) Hyperlipidaemia Genetic Forms Of Hyperlipidaemia Clinical Features Of Hyperlipidaemia Investigation of Hyperlipidaemia Treatment of Hyperlipidaemia The Adrenal Glands Adrenal Cortex Physiology Mineralocorticoid Physiology Glucocorticoid and Androgen Physiology Variation of ACTH Secretion Biosynthesis of Steroid Hormones Inhibitors of Steroid Biosynthesis Cushing's Syndrome Clinical Features in Cushing's Syndrome Aetiology of Spontaneous Cushing's Syndrome Diagnosis in Cushing's Syndrome Treatment of Cushing's Syndrome Addison's Disease Aetiology of Addison's Disease Clinical Features of Addison's Disease Diagnosis in Addison's Disease Treatment of Addison's Disease Aetiology of Hypertension Renal Hypertension Conn's Syndrome Adrenal Medulla: Phaeochromocytoma Imaging in Adrenal Disease The Gonads The Testes Structure of the Testes and Male Reproductive Tract Hypothalamic­Pituitary­Testicular Axis Androgen Physiology Spermatogenesis and Testicular Function Hormonal Therapy for Testicular Disorders Assessment of Testicular Function Testicular Disorders and Fetal Development Klinefelter's Syndrome and its Variants Embryonic Testicular Regression Male Psuedohermaphroditism Adult Disorders of Testicular Function Histology of Testicular Disorders Testicular Disorders of Old Age Disorders of All Ages The Ovary Physiology of the Ovary Folliculogenesis and Ovulation Signalling Systems in Ovarian Physiology Hormone Production by the Ovary The Menopause Disturbances of Ovarian Hormone Production Development of the Gonad Development of the Sexual Apparatus Puberty Physical Changes of Puberty Secondary Sexual Characteristics ­ Boys Secondary Sexual Characteristics ­ Girls Endocrine Changes of Puberty Sexual Precocity Complete Precocious Puberty Incomplete Isosexual Precocity Variations in Pubertal Development Diagnosis of Sexual Precocity Treatment of Sexual Precocity Delayed Puberty Constitutional Delay in Growth and Puberty Hypogonadotrophic Hypogonadism Hypergonadotrophic Hypogonadism Diagnosis of Delayed Puberty Treatment of Delayed Puberty Growth Disorders Measurement of Height Normal Growth Short Stature Short Stature with Normal Appearance Non-endocrine Causes of Short Stature Endocrine Causes of Short Stature Short Stature with Abnormal Phenotype Tall Stature The Thyroid Normal Physiology of the Thyroid Embryological Development of the Thyroid Normal Anatomy of the Adult Thyroid Thyroid Hormone Synthesis and Release Thyroid Hormone Transport Thyroid Tests Measurement of Thyroid Hormone Levels Dynamic Tests of Thyroid Function Tests of the Thyroid­Pituitary Axis Hypothyroidism The HPT Axis in Hypothyroidism Iodine Deficiency/Excess in Hypothyroidism Congenital Hypothyroidism Acquired Hypothyroidism Autoimmune Thyroid Disease and Hashimoto's Thyroiditis Severe Hypothyrodism Clinical Features in Hypothyroidism Diagnostic Tests in Hypothyroidism Treatment of Hypothyroidism Thyroid Malignancy The Epidemiology of Thyroid Malignancy Clinical Features of Thyroid Malignancy Histology of Thyroid Malignancy Investigation of Malignant Thyroid Tumours Treatment of Thyroid Malignancy Aetiological Factors in Thyroid Malignancy Hyperthyroidism and Graves' Disease Diagnosis of Hyperthyroidism Treatment of Hyperthyroidism Graves' Disease Aetiology of Graves' Disease Histology of Graves' Disease ­ Anti-HLA/DR Clinical Features of Graves' Disease Imaging in Thyroid Disease The Parathyroid Glands Calcium Homeostasis Hypercalcaemia Primary Hyperparathyroidism Hypercalcaemia ­ Sarcoidosis Familial Hypocalciuric Hypercalcaemia Hypocalcaemia Imaging in Parathyroid/bone Disease Gastrointestinal Endocrinology Gastrointestinal Peptides Investigations In GI Endocrinology Gut Hormones In GI Disease Gut Hormone Tumours Carcinoid Tumours Gastrinoma Syndrome VIPoma Syndrome Glucagonoma Syndrome Somatostatinoma Syndrome Other GI Tumours Treatment of GI Tumours Imaging of GI Tumours The Pancreas The Glucose Pool In Health Glucose Homeostasis Hypoglycaemia Neuroglycopenia Insulinoma Nesidioblastosis Diagnosis of Endogenous Hyperinsulinism IGF-II-Secreting Tumours Rebound (Reactive) Hypoglycaemia Autoimmune Hypoglycaemia Treatment of Endogenous Hyperinsulinism Imaging in Pancreatic Disease Ectopic Humoral Syndromes Classification of Ectopic Humoral Syndromes Characteristics of Neoplasms in Ectopic Humoral Syndromes Biological Effects Ectopic Production Of Bioactive Substances Pathogenesis of Ectopic Humoral Syndromes Clinical Features Of Ectopic Humoral Syndromes Ectopic Adrenocorticotrophic Syndrome Ectopic ADH Syndrome Hypercalcaemia Of Malignancy Ectopic Chorionic Gonadotrophin Syndrome Ectopic GHRH Syndrome Ectopic Cytokine Syndromes Hormone Assay Techniques Binding Assay Techniques Antibodies Immunological Labels Assay Classification Assays ­ Standard Material Assay Samples ­ Collection Normal Ranges Imaging Techniques Bone Disease Osteoporosis Osteomalacia Paget's Disease of Bone Types of Bone